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Week 6

I’ve been looking forward to this week of new releases for a while. It covers 5 new releases from some exciting artists. Nicole released her debut EP, Pariah is back with a deep techno track, Beatrice Dillon covers all aspects of rhythm, Perko released his second EP on Numbers and Nicolas Jaar is back on his Against All Logic alias.

Nicole - Inside

Inside is the debut EP of the 22 year old Nicole from Batumi. It consists 4 tracks that blend Detroit and IDM in a modern way. I’ve had the first track on a repeat way too much this week, and it doesn’t get boring yet!

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Nathan Melja - Synesthesia (Pariah Remix)

Karenn half Pariah delivers a deep techno track. Epic buildups and multi-level textural innovation.

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Beatrice Dillon - Workaround

Solo debut album by Beatrice Dillon on PAN. It’s a lucidly playful and ambitious solo and covers all the aspects of rhythm.

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Perko - The City Rings

I’ve been following Perko for a while since his first EP on Numbers. He’s back with his second EP with one of my favourite tracks of the past month ’Stutter’.

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Against All Logic - 2017-2019

Nicolas Jaar is back on his AAL alias. It’s a club-focused LP with hard-hitting and seriously over-driven sounds.

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